

x-mas fizzer bag, 7x15g bath fizzer in golden bag with champagne-bottle window


x-mas fizzer, 100g bath fizzer


bubble bath in metallic-golden bathball, 320 ml


bubble bath in golden bathball with glitter, 350 ml


bubble bath in anthrazit bathball with glitter, 350 ml


x-mas bathset: 200ml bodylotion, 200ml body wash, bottles with dispenser


x-mas bubble bath in prosecco bottle, 190ml


X-mas set in glass jar with 50ml body wash, 50ml bubble bath, 50ml body scrub, 50ml bodylotion, 30g puff,


cosmetic bag filled with 60ml body wash,60ml body scrub, 50ml hand cream, 50ml bodylotion, 20g puff,


gift set in candy shape, filled with 100ml body wash, 100ml bubble bath, 50ml bodylotion, 2x80g bath fizzer


handsoap with shimmer in bottle with dispenser, 500ml


handcream in bottle with dispenser, 500ml


sugar cubes in pvc jar with screwcap, 100g


X-mas set with earmuffs, 50ml hand lotion, 50ml hand soap, in gift box


x-mas set in gift box with 265ml bubble bath, 100ml pillow mist, 50g bath crystals, eye mask


bathbombs in cardboard tube, 3 x 80g bathboms in metallic foil


bathcrystals in glas bottle, 600g


x-mas hand care set in wire basket, 520ml Hand soap, 520ml Hand lotion, bottles with dispenser


x-mas hand care set with: 50ml hand cream, 30ml hand scrub,10ml cuticle cream, nailfile


x-mas bathset with 200 ml shimmer body wash and 200ml shimmer body lotion, in gift box


cosmetic bag filled with 200ml body butter, 200ml fragrance mist, 200g soap, 30g puff


wire basket filled with: 200g soap bar, 150g bath salt, 100ml body lotion, 100g scrub, 30ml hand cream,


box filled with: 250ml body wash, 250ml bubble bath, 80g bath salt, 60ml body lotion, 60 ml body scrub,


cosmetic bag with paillets, filled with : 70ml body mist,65ml body lotion, and


cosmetic bag with print, filled with : 70ml body mist,65ml body lotion, and

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